Monday, October 22 1 notes

Penawar Qalbu

 Saat kekusutan,

mencari semangat,
pengubat futur,
masihkah ada,,


yang menemani,

InnALLAHa ma'anaa.

Allah ada, saudaraku.

Biarpun sepedih mana,
Sekejam mana.

Allah ada.

Tempat kita berserah dan meminta. 

Hanya pada-Nya. 

Hanya pada-Nya.

Thursday, August 2 1 notes


Assalamualaikum wbt.

Salam Ramadhan. Ramadhan Kareem wallahu Akram.

"Tiga bentuk doa yang dimustajabkan Allah: doa ibu bapa terhadap anak; doa orang yang berpuasa; dan doa orang bermusafir." (Riwayat al-Baihaqi)

Post ini sangat kasual. Tak berfilter, few minutes pakai tulis saja tanpa sedikit pun melibatkan pemikiran otak. ..Actually, salah, setiap pergerakan badan, ’voluntary action’ termasuklah menaip di papan kekunci akan menggunakan jugak otak sebab setiap action akan di initiate melalui neuron otak dan motor movement berlaku akibat impulse yang dihantar dari cerebral motor cortex setelah di-synchronize bersama cerebellum… O-EM-GEE diamlah, nerd! 

Habis. Tamat sudah 2nd year. Khalasna dirasah sanah thaniah. Lepas menanti results betapa lama. Exam pun berbulan-bulan. Habis dah sesi kali ni. Occasion macam ni kena update blog. Walaupun malas, sebab boring, takde isi nak tulis.

Yep, takda isi.

Apa aku buat sambil tunggu results. Prepare untuk balik. Lama dah tak balik. Melancong, berperisa asli flora fauna keindahan Mesir. Kelaut biru. Pergi tempat yang jarang orang pergi, sebab tempat tu terlarang (muahaha). Akibatnya, sunburn menghitam manis terhasil.

Bukak puasa ramai-ramai kat rumah orang. Taraweh dekat masjid2 berlainan. Hadiri kelas agama Ramadhan special. Oh aku beruntung sebab boleh buang masa dengan benda-benda berfaedah. Dan tak berfaedah macam tengok movie. Kecuali korea –aku tak layan korea. True story.

Dapat natijah -results hari khamis minggu lepas. Naik tahun, syukur sangat. Walau expectation melebihi taqdir. Tak boleh nak pertikai lah. Usaha yang bajet bagus, baru usaha sikit dah expect banyak. Walaupun study hard tapi tak smart. Nama pun last minute study; ‘Last minute’ tak akan pernah ‘smart’, OK? Macam pepatah orang Kelantan dulu-dulu, learning the lesson ‘the hard way’. Dan aku dengar ada orang serumah nak jadi subjek master untuk batch, tahun depan. Tercapai ke tidak, wallahua’lam.

Hari tu aku balik Malaysia naik flight Oman Air. Gila taubat naik oman air. Sangat pahit oh transit 23 jam di Muscat Airport. kira sehari la. Tapi aku gembira sebab tak tinggal puasa. Tak terlintas pun. Dengar balik cerita orang lain baru sedar boleh tinggal puasa, musafir punya cerita. Boleh makan Subway dekat airport. gua suka subway, yummeh. Untungnya orang yang mampu bersikap tak malu -bertempat- a.k.a berani sebab benar. Hmmhmm.

Satu benda yang bermain difikiran aku masa bersama oman air ialah, pramugarinya semua bermuka asian. Aku ingat tersilap naik kapal terbang MAS / Singapore Airlines ke apa. Gaya cakap slang pun macam orang chinese-thai-Indonesian mix. Uniform pramugarinya pulak berskirt dan berkopiah- OK, cukup pelik. Atleast mereka bermurah hati bagi aku ruang untuk solat subuh dalam flight. Moga Allah beri hidayah pada mereka.

Alhamdulillah. Dah selamat tiba di rumah ahad lepas. Banyak perubahan kat rumah, walaupun tak jumpa semua ahli keluarga, dan jiran lagi. Nak dekat 2 tahun syeikh, rumah sendiri pun dah boleh tak cam.

Apa plan cuti ni, tak banyak mana pun, tapi risau jugak tak terbuat. Yang penting aku dapat drive semula, haritu drive ATV kat desert tak puas. One cool thing about driving is, skill takkan hilang walaupun dah tinggal hampir 2 tahun. Cuma jalan je lah boleh terlupa sikit-sikit. Jom sapa nak naek van-ku yang comel marilahhh. Limited time only.

Cukuplah membebel setakat ni. Terima kasih kerana baca sampai habis walaupun bosan teramat. 

Tuesday, July 24 2 notes

Artsy #1: Brown


My first ever coloured artwork. :))
Thumbs of for chibi!

Enjoy! :D
Friday, July 20 0 notes

Jom bersihkan hati

-banyakkan zikir
-kurangkan makan (sekadar perlu)
-kurangkan bercakap (tidak berbohong, cakap benda bermanfaat)
-kurangkan online (facebook,twitter,chatting)
-banyakkan berfikir (muhasabah)
-banyakkan mentadabbur al-Quran
-kurangkan tidur (bangun tahajud)
-banyakkan zikir
-banyakkan zikir
-cuba detach dari benda/apa saja yang buat kita makin dekat dengan dunia
-Istiqamah- to try to be consistent in everything that you do.
-banyakkan zikir

Salam Ramadhan. 1433H
Ramadhan Kareem. 
Sunday, July 15 0 notes


You know you're multitasking too much when...

You're brushing your teeth while taking a shower.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, you've left fried chicken to slow-cook and coffee to brew,
You're hearing music from the radio in the living room,
Back at the laptop you're downloading movies, updating & defragmenting softwares,
and.. oh, you're also happily singing in the shower.


Doing all those things, all at the same time.

"Congratulations you've unlocked an achievement!"


So you've saved a lot of time, which you can now spend it elsewhere such as :
going out with friends, studying, or just, sleeping.

Now for the question; should that be considered as being productive?

The keyword should be : quality.

Think about it.
Monday, June 25 5 notes

Terpaling Awesome

 Bismillah walhamdulillah.

24th June 2012 ---- (24/6/2012)

Hari ini sangat best sebab : 

1. Relief melepasi paper exam written yang mega-berat. -Anatomes-

2. Avatar : Legend of Korra Season Finale. (Hooyeah)

3. Debaran menonton Livestream keputusan election Mesir.

4. Kemenangan agung Dr. Morsi.

5. Sambutan kemenangan di Tahrir Square. 
6. England vs Italy.

.::. mengikut urutan peristiwa -sequence of events- .::.

Err, yang last skali, not so much. *ini bukan post meng-kondemn England*

Harumnya bau kemenangan di Tahrir Square!

*Kredit foto : Syed Ahmad Ziman Al-Husaini.

Sambutan di Tahrir Square, Syeikh Jibreel sendiri turun dan mengimami solat Isyak berjemaah di dataran Tahrir. Doa qunut yang cukup syahdu tanda syukur kpd Allah atas segala nikmat-Nya.

Apa pun, ini permulaan yang baik buat Islam. Berikutan revolusi "musim bunga Arab", Egypt's 25th January- (click:REVOLUSI). Kemenangan parti Ikhwan Muslimeen ini sudah lama dinantikan, dan pasti membawa perubahan yang positif kepada Islam. Suatu titik sejarah yang sangat bermakna bagi seluruh dunia, buat Mesir khususnya.

Dr. Mohamed Morsi -
"Taatilah aku selagi mana aku benar, dan jika aku salah, jangan taati aku."
  Allah. Allah. Ini benar-benar pemimpin!

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Truly an epic and glorious historical event!
But the journey, and the fight. It has just begun. 
Who knows what'll happen next.

Adakah kemenangan ini akan bertahan lama, cukup untuk aku melihat pengembalian zaman kegemilangan umat Islam di mata dunia. Ya Allah. InsyaAllah. Sama-sama mendoakannya.

Kredit juga kepada calon pro-mubarak, Ahmed Syafiq kerana saingan sengit yang diberikan. Barulah kemenangan ini betul-betul dirasakan manis.

#Terlalu banyak status update di Facebook tentang turn-out election Mesir ni, menjadikannya sangat 'mainstream', jadi aku memilih untuk tidak update, walaupun teringin sebenarnya. /lame

Secara keseluruhannya, meskipun rasa 'lethargy' yang ter-paling amat sangat melanda diri berikutan semua peristiwa yang berlaku,

Hari ini betul-betul, ohsem!
Friday, June 1 4 notes


No matter how hard you think holding a book in front of you for 20 hours a day is...

Remember that there are always people who have it harder.

How can you compare it with our brothers' hardships in Palestine? Syria. and elsewhere.

We grumble, mumble about staring at books... they are busy hiding from stray bullets. 
They're being murdered, oppressed for just wanting freedom.
Are we being murdered for studying? No, we're even rewarded for it.

They're dealing with deaths and evils. We're just dealing with books, papers and exam halls.
so when you say stuff like. studying is hard, shame on you.
It's just a matter of weeks, not a life sentence.

lek r. aku kalau nak menyirap, aku pikir balik.
'tgk buku je pon'
'bukan suruh angkat balak'
nanti dah abis exam baru puas ati.

Don't be, weak. Be strong.


The reply I got when I complained, and he answered. 
Thanks my friend for the advice. Sungguh. menikam.

Thursday, May 24 2 notes

Short Story On : Honesty

One day, there was a guy. His name is... well, Guy. He was quick on his feets, skilled with hands. with cunning mind and eyes of eagles. Alas, he took everything for granted. Due to his wits, he had forsaken studies for other things. He's a lazy tard when it comes to studying.

Suddenly an examination paper was presented right in his face.
He gets on it quickly, thinking it was easy. Easy as hell. 

"Easy? but you said he didn't study man?"
"It was histology."

-then again.. how on earth would I know, he managed to get everything right.

U kidding me?

OK, back to the story.
Cuz he was sitting in the posterior lane, he waits for the doctor to pick up his papers patiently once he finished, while rechecking his answers.

Then two guys who finished early, walked towards the door as if leaving, but they stayed. They greeted Guy and glanced-looked at his paper.

"Hey, you didn't send it yet? Let's check it." said one guy.
"Uhh.. please don't."

The guy took it anyway.

"Nice, you got it all correct. Wait, Hey- this one, isn't the answer C?"
"Yeah, it's definitely C. Tab'an." said the other guy.

Guy thinks.
(what the? The answer D seemed right. But then, ..C is related too, they could be right. aww heck!)
He didn't study that part, so it was just a guess originally.

"Change it-change it quick, before the doctor comes!"
"Sh-Shure.. ok, thanks guys."

The two guys, smiled and walked away.
Then the doctor picked Guy's paper. Thus, the exam ends.

So now Guy sits alone. Heads-down, thinking.
"dafuq I did?"
His realization came late.

Looking at front, he saw the two guys, who was standing at the door in front. The one guy was waving his arm, with an expression he couldn't recognize. His friend smiling innocently beside him, almost grinning.

"Heyy, thanks-"

They left through the front door before he got a chance to stand up.

"Oh well, let's go home."

After praying zuhr at the mosque, his mind wanders about the help he got.
he grabbed his bag and scruffed out his book.
-Histology 2nd Year.

......what. Ya Rabb.

The answer was D.
Not sure if the two guys were dumb, or they just made a fool out of him.
At that exact moment, he realized what the face the other guy made earlier.

It was this face.


Moral of the story
- Be smart by being who you are , don't be dumb for being who you're not.
- Cheaters get burned :))
- I like cheeseburgers.
- I made the story up.

Saturday, May 19 0 notes

Rempuh Maut

Physiology Biochemistry Anatomy Histology Psychology

Fatrah imtihan Praktikal berakhir serious-seriouso!
Tahriri = Written, & Oral akan menyusul!
Sungguh bermakna perubahan ini!
Tinggal beberapa minggu dan hari sahaja lagi!

dan demi masa yang hampir tiba di penghujungnya..
dan demi masa yang dirugikan..

Kuatlah. Kuatlah. Kuatlah.
Friday, May 4 1 notes


click for bigger view

It's a world full of flames.
Don't burn yourself out trying to have it all.
because the world can burn us down.


Apa ni?
Hobi. mengedit dan memanipulasi.
Background yang dibuat masa bengkel grafik Gen X. whaat?

# ada unsur-unsur "Bersih" tak?

tak ada idea untuk letak quote yang lebih memberi rangsangan dan semangat jitu. hasilnya : psuedo-inspirational poster.. yang tak menjadi.
Sesiapa ada idea ntuk sumbang quote yang bernas, silakan. Kredit akan diberikan. :)

Sunday, April 15 2 notes


Some secrets are fun if shared.
It can be redeeming or just a plain enjoyment to do so.
While some, it's wiser to just keep it to yourself.

Sometimes I just like to put on my earphones without playing anything.
Just having it in my ears, listening to deafened sounds.
but that's not a secret. Is it?

People shouldn't talk however they like, without restraints. Especially when other people are around. Even if the person next to ya is wearing an oversized headphone. #DRDRE

Bukan diriku.

Go on, keep on telling you and your friend's secrets.
Keep badmouthing, blasting it all away of your heart's content at those who had pissed you off.
About the guy/girl who told you off at lunch? or the jerk who broke your new pair of scissors? Whatever.

Just because I'm on my earphones.
......I could hear you. Though I didn't wish it.
You'd prefer for everyone to know all your secrets. Your grudges. Crushes.

"Explain what you must, but never give away all of your secrets. Those who freely publicize the secrets of their hearts drag themselves and their nation toward an inevitable downfall."

What, you asking bout me? Myself, I don't reveal myself to anyone. fullstop.
..... and that's a bad thing too.

Just some friendly words. Not directed at anyone. :)


Wednesday, April 11 0 notes



I think I like it, 

being one acting like one.

Friday, March 16 3 notes

Masih Belum Tewas

Salam guys. Khabarak eh.

~This past few weeks I was like,
REALLY sleepy you know.

Doctor caught me dozing off once in the lecture hall.. with a cup of coffe by my side. The moment when even caffeine couldn't do the job.
(beside polyuria) 
.Embarassing moment #142076

3-4 hours sleep sure isn't enough..
"Siapa kacau makhluk yang tak cukup tidur mcm aku memang nak kena lah."
If there was a term for it I'd call it sleep-debt state. Like you know.. oxygen-debt state. Right?
...forget it.

~Kenapa & Leeeeeeyh? 

Sebab banyak kerja lah. Sibuk dengan kerja n stuff.

Kerja itu, kerja ini. Sekejap ke sana, sekejap ke sini.
Walaupun kerja mudah-mudah.. orang bawahan lah katakan.
Designing. Assignments. sigh.
Sampai weekend barulah dapat berehat dengan tenang.
...not quite yet. Exams are coming.

But then, kalau betul-betul diimbau kembali, banyak lagi masa yang dhabiskan untuk memikirkan cara nak buat kerja tu, (selain online&chatting) berbanding dengan actually buat kerja itu.

dan itulah namanya kerja yang tak efisien. Sekian.

*soundtrack MUH plays* LaLaLaLa~ La.

Masa. Yang. Rugi.

Terfikir. Bagaimana keadaan kawan-kawanku..
On the other side of the world. Yang lama dah tak contact tu.
Kawan-kawan ku mesti turut juga sibuk. Berjihad.
Sibuk sama sibuk. Meski berjauhan kita sama-sama sibuk.
Kau sibuk sana, aku sibuk sini.. Menyibuk je kerja-

Tak apa.

Moga Allah membantu kita. Allah musta'an.
Friday, February 17 0 notes



Salam brothers & sisters sekalian.


Back again after a long~ (was it long?) break. A hiatus of sort. Switched off for about two weeks.
Selama 2 minggu tanpa update, bukan tanpa sebab yang munasabah.
All of the time spent must've some good (or some bad) reasons, right?

Well, I.... had an adventure of my own.
Been off to some places, visited here and there, did this and that, and what not. 
I'm not gonna say where, well actually I already gave a clue!

Tak perasan ke? Takpe, sedikit hint.

Recognize these buildings? Know yet?
Kalau tak dapat takpelah. haaah. lain kali.
Throughout the trip, I've went through some great & horrible moments. I'd tell more but, no time.
Maybe later.

Setibanya kembali di "Negara Pasir".  Proses mengadaptasi negara, tabiat & perangai masyarakat yang berlainan semula. Proses orientasi semula otak untuk menghadap buku medic.
Minggu ini minggu kembali ke sekolah!

Kembali... menghadiri semula kelas tafaquh fi deen, join bengkel-bengkel kemahiran. (& pengalaman mengendali kursus.)
Regaining myself & re-purifying the tainted heart.
Mari kembali cakna dengan masalah umat.

~ ~
Sungguh tak sangka, masa sungguh singkat.  Sudah hanya berbaki satu semester sajaa.
Masa untuk sedar semula. It's time.. to wake up from these dreams.

Baiklah, kesuntukan masa.

Off... to the seaside.

Monday, January 30 3 notes

Short Stories On : Acceptance

Won't. Lose.

Even if the rain falls down.
   These cold bones
The freezing breath sweeps.
   These cold sweats
Creeping as quiet as death.
   These cold sands

Damnit why's it so painful.
This chest burning. This head aching.
Going crazy plus Crazy.
My wind-messed hair on water drops. Then suddenly..
Le wild mud puddles appeared!
With my slippers wet and muddy.

"****! My feets are dirty now thanks to you!"
"Curses and damnations on the weather!"

curses and curses and curses and curses and curses and curses and curses and curses curses and curses and curses and curses and curses and curses and curses and curses
and curses until I saw...

the old man with one leg, walking under the rain.

the old lady with legs only up to her knee.


Right there, I stand.. just- stricken.
at whom was i just cursing at REALLY?

Think. realize.

and thankfulness.

Qadr Allah wa masha Fa'al.

Just a guy. Writing away the nights..
Seeking refuge in thick comfy mushy pillowy blanket..
and whining about it.

Whatever, go. Just get through this.
To carry out my duties. I have to. We have to.
The weak me, never independent.
but always dependent.
with His help.
I won't lose.
Not this time.
Not anytime.

Friday, January 20 0 notes

The End of Internet is Near.


What's SOPA? Is it soup? A new brand of soap? or perhaps a cheap show soap opera on the television.

Pssshh. Naw. That ain't even close. This thing we have here is a problem that's recently facing the world. The Internet world A.K.A the Intarwebs. If you're an internet geek like me, you'd in the least have heard about it.

Last night(18/1), I happened to be doing some studies, researches and whatnot, when I accidentally stumbled on Wikipedia's temporary notice. If you had tried it too, you'd know that the site (english part) went down for a day.

wikipedia's awareness campaign.

Regardless, I'll just give a brief summary on it.

SOPA actually stands for Stop Online Pirating Act.
Also goes by the name PIPA, whatever.
Well, according to the news, some guy- not just some guy. An American House Judiciary Committee Chair Representative - Lamar S. Smith from the United States House of Representatives & some other people, announced this act late November last year.

"SOPA is an anti-piracy bill working its way through Congress...
that would grant content creators extraordinary power over the internet..."

It is an act of waging war against piracy pertaining to anything that is copied, or pirated. including written materials, intellectual property, counterfeit goods and in particular, music, videos and images. The whole internet's been raging about it. Even top industries, sports, music, seems like a big deal.

Some companies/websites on the anti-SOPA movements are Mozilla, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, Paypal, Google, Facebook,..several game companies.. more etc2. Even teachers and educators are opposed to this act.

But not all company are against it. Some company giants to list a few, are in support of this act, such as Apple, Intel, Dell, Microsoft etc. Wow... that's definitely gonna leave a dent.

So what? Why should I care?
Well, for starters, those of you reading this, most of you are are internet users, maybe casual or heavy users. who had probably used it for studies-researches, social networking, downloads, or to just have fun reading comics (or mangas) and whatnot. And probably frequent these websites: google, wikipedia, facebook Youtube or other well-known websites.

Not exactly sure how it'll affect other countries outside the U.S, but know this, most of the top website and companies are located and centered in U.S; therefore will be subject to the act, so the law of U.S affecting those sites will affect their service, and in the end, though the changes may not be noticeable right away, the worldwide users who are frequently visit those sites would also feel some of the damages caused.

Imagine this, let's say you're on Facebook. You decided to share a great new song you just heard. Or a picture of a town, or a news article, or an inspirational quote, or a motivational video, whatever. But if those stuffs are copyrighted, you can't post it. Because any images, any citations from a copyrighted material... videos, songs or ANYTHING that's copyrighted, could be object to these laws. It'll be considered piracy to do these normal things. Goodbye freedom, goodbye internet.

In short, everyone who have access to the internet will be affected.
Your usual peaceful-happy day life, Heck, if a monkey had a Facebook account it'd be affected by it too. While its intention to protect the rights of the owners, It may be just too irrational.

A question in the rise, would this really effectively stop actual piracy?

Actual pirate websites for illegal distributions and downloads of copyrighted stuff, that was blocked and shutdown, could just be back on- under a different name. And their piracy activities go on as usual. Then what?


It would ultimately alter the life we have today.
Wonder how the rest of the years going to be?
The voting's for the bill's on 24th January. Lets hope SOPA won't get it's way.
That would suck BIGTIME. Wheew.

Those sites including Wikipedia are back on as usual. The news should be all over the internet by now.
If you want more info, just google it, to find out that SOPA is actually an act of Zalim.
Well, considering it is taking people's rights, is that really a wrong description for it?

Will this blog be taken down too, considering it also took some information from other sites?

That's all for today.



-Megaupload,, an online web-sharing website has been shut down.
-The Stop Online Piracy Act bill has been pulled (for now). Click here to read the news.
Tuesday, January 17 0 notes



Dah lama tak menaip. Musim exam, nak berfoya-foya tak mampu dengan masa yang terhad.

Terasa nak petik sedikit masa menulis di sini. Atau lebih tepat lagi kopi pasta daripada sebuah artikel yang saya rasa sangat bermakna untuk dibaca. Mudah-mudahan dapat memberi motivasi kepada para pembaca sekalian.


Ramai manusia yang ketika hidupnya, dia terlupa untuk merasa diri sebagai hamba. Sehinggalah akhirnya kematian datang menjemputnya, ketika itu penyesalan dengan darah mata sekalipun tidak lagi bermakna.

Mereka ini adalah manusia yang mata hatinya telah dihijab oleh Allah untuk nampak kejelasan tanda-tanda-Nya yang cerah. Kerana mereka sendiri sebelumnya telah menjauhkan diri dari landasan kebenaran. Firman Allah,

"Dan (sebaliknya) sesiapa yang berada di dunia ini (dalam keadaan) buta (mata hatinya) maka dia juga buta di akhirat dan lebih sesat lagi jalannya,"surah Al-Isra' ayat 27.


Kita selalu bertanya kepada diri dan orang lain. Kita tanya:

Minta berikan sedikit motivasi, jalan manakah yang paling dekat dengan kejayaan?

Maka saya ingin menyebut jawapan sebegini:

Kita hidup adalah untuk mencari redha Allah SWT. Maka, kejayaan kita yang sebenar adalah apabila segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan adalah untuk mendapat redha Allah SWT.

Pada saya, di sini letaknya motivasi kejayaan kita yang paling besar sebenarnya.

Motivasi yang meletakkan Tuhan sebagai batu asas akan menemui jalan kejayaan yang paling hebat, paling bermakna.

Selaklah sirah baginda nabi, lihatlah kepada para sahabat baginda, telitilah kisah hidup ulama-ulama kita yang terdahulu, yang mereka ini luar biasa bagus dan hebat sekali, kita akan dapati motivasi kejayan mereka adalah redha Sang Pencipta.


Kerana itu, saya suka untuk sampaikan kepada semua satu petua yang disebut oleh Mufti Mesir, Dr. Ali Jum'ah ketika kuliah beliau di Masjid Al-Azhar sebelum ini.

Kata beliau, setiap pagi ucapkanlah Allahu Maksudi, Wa Redha hu Matlubi (Allah tujuanku, dan redha-Nya lah yang kuharapkan).

Baca ini 7 kali setiap pagi, dan kita insyaAllah akan bergerak untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik hari itu.

Kata beliau lagi, pengulangan sebanyak tujuh kali ini sebagai kita memperkuatkan keinginan kita.

Penegasan bahawa kita sememangnya hidup atas tujuan menjadi hamba Allah dan dalam hidup kita, yang kita cari hanyalah redha-Nya.

Maka, pasakkan di dalam jiwa, kita adalah hamba-Nya.

"Serta keredaan dari Allah yang lebih besar kemuliaannya; (balasan) yang demikian itulah kejayaan yang besar." Surah At-Taubah ayat 72..

Dipetik dari blog Naimul Firdaus

Berbaki 2 paper sahaja
Doakan penulis mendapat keputusan yang baik.

23/1 - Anatomy
26/1 - Biochemistry
27/1 - Winter Break ;D
Monday, January 9 0 notes

Suddenly Happy


Waking up an early rise, folding blankets.
Fajr prayers calms the mind.
Brewing a nice cup of coffee.

As I stroll down the garden, alleys, the pavement.
As the birds chirping away under peaceful ambiance and sunlight.
As the winds seeps its cold breath beneath these mufflers.
Walking towards a skyscraper.

and then realizing something.

"I think it's very great. Justice."

Though its 2 days away for my own TRIAL.
also realizing that 9 jan is not just a day of justice, it is also a celebration.


Through all the crowds, choosing a battle seemed easy.

The atmosphere screamed victory,
as these hands come into possession of something.. sought after, an artefact.
"One does not simply obtain it."

a Visa.
Scumbag Exam habits.

Doing stuffs your not supposed to be doing during the exam season.
And losing interest on it right after the exam season ends.

But amazing moments, nonetheless.

ps: Happy Birthday to Zharief Afzal. a friend, and brother.
Thursday, January 5 0 notes


Sudah bosan.

........dengan rupa lama blog ini.

Sudah berapa lama, hanya kekal di takuk yang sama.
pasif. tanpa perubahan.

"You, the one who's always talking about change."

"But Y U NO CHANGE look!!1!!"

So here it is, new-er look, changed to the page you're seeing right now.
Starting afresh again. This will do for the year, perhaps.


Tribute to the old, Black & white.

Thanks, mate.

2011 - 1/1/2012

Goes better with Firefox

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