Saturday, December 31 2 notes

2012 : The End?

Salam brothers dan sisters sekalian.

Petang tadi aku jalan-jalan dekat tepi kawasan padang berpasir kat Muqatom. padang berpasir, boleh kira padang pasir dah la. Bila kawasan banyak pasir time tu la angin suka bertiup. Oleh itu mata aku sakit akibat dimasuki pasir. Tapi takpelah sekali sekala berjalan. Sebenarnya aku ikut jaulah sekitar kaherah, bersama dengan member se-batch juga ustaz-ustaz yang semart kacak bergaya. Penat jugak lah lepas jaulah sehari suntuk. Sampai tersengguk-sengguk dalam van. Tapi banyak manfaatnye jadi syukurlah juga.

Hmm... aku ada kisah nak kongsi ni. Tak ada kaitan dengan jaulah siang tadi pun.

Suatu hari seorang sahabat aku yang non-muslim, non-egyptian bertanya kepadaku.

Friend : "Hey Ramz. Tell you what, I'm confused. Didn't we celebrate new year a few months back? But next week's supposed to be the end of 2011. Then why was there 2 new years celebration man? These guys... really... crazy Egyptians."

aku tersenyum dan ber-'facepalm' dengan penuh sopan.

....lalu aku menjawab,

Me : "Well, that's cuz we muslims got another calendar we use.. the Hijri/Lunar calendar. And most of those crazy egyptians are muslims. So, yeah. we celebrate 2 new years. One is 'Hijri' and next week's the 'Masihi'/Western calendar. That's something you'll get used to here eventually.

Friend : "Wow these guys are so greedy. Just kidding! hahaha." *hi-fives*
So.. which celebration's better?

Me: "Uhh, not sure? Yet I think the Hijri calendar has more meaning, and more accurate cuz it follows the monthly flow of the moon. But really, the only thing I liked about the Western new year celebration is the holidays. and we're not getting any here."

Friend : "Ohh. Is that so. No holidays? So, are we f***d, my friend?"

Me : "Yes, yes we are."


Camtu lah kisahnya.

Hah, tak ada apa yang nak dceritakan lagi.
Eh, tunggu kejap.

aku rasa macam ada termakan lipas semalam.

terfikir, kenapa aku masih hidup lagi?

tak kisahlah.
apa-apa pun, just nak ucapkan..

Selamat tahun baru.

Hadapilah tahun baru dengan azam dan semangat yang baru dan lebih kental.




Friday, December 30 0 notes

Fear Thy Enemy

There was once a warrior. Mighty and nimble with a blade.
Kingdoms went to war. And the warrior steps out.
In a battle between wits and guts, he stood under the sun and fought.
Drawing power from the sun, swinging his blade. Not fearing death.
It was the warrior, who killed a thousand men.
This is the stuff of legends..

Eventually a new evil arises.
This new evil brings a greater threat.

Cuz he’s cold hearted. Wicked. One that terrorizes all.
Siphoning the bravery out of your heart.

Sucking the soul out of you.
 And takes away all happiness.

He casts fear on you when you are broken.
Freezing your heart in fear. To even go to the waters.

He spells procrastination on you where you stand.
 To stand between you and your mission.

He sends you back to the lurking darkness of your cave.
 where you wouldn’t dare come out anymore.

He’s a cruel enemy.




Days will pass by. The seasons would come and go.
But will it stay, the warrior within you?

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